Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where have I been?

Hello, friends!

I have been working up a storm lately! My first magalog for Lane Bryant will arrive in mailboxes the first week in March, Melissa's baby shower invites arrived in mailboxes last week (more below), Kate's wedding invites (we'll wait till those are IN the mail) will be in the mail soon, and my NEWEST project is actually just being started today (you can see some inspiration below).

I'll let those of you (if any) that get the Lane Bryant magalog view that in real life on your own (it's 44 pages - too much for this space!!!). But for everyone else, here is a glimpse or two into what I've been doing:

Melissa's Baby Shower invite:

She loves them and I hope that the party-goers do too! I illustrated them and did the design work - it was a labor of love and it was AWESOME to do.

And now I'm (finally!!!) getting to work on a coworker's wedding invite (and additional collateral), which we decided we'd work on together about 6 months ago, and now it's finally happening!

Her fiancé is from Mexico and her dress looks like a flamenco dress - her colors are turquoise and red - and they love tattoos and  Día de los Muertos (but we're not including skulls because her very catholic father does not view them favorably). So, this is the swipe I've pulled so far:

So, I'll keep you posted on the results. I'd tell you from whence all of this inspiration came, but I didn't keep track - just google search "mexican floral tattoo" and you can probably find the source of most of them.

Okay, back to work!


  1. You are amazing! I LOOOOOOOOVE Action Jackson's baby shower invitations! Cutest damn thing I've ever seen!
    Love forever,

  2. Ahhhh!!! I am in LOVE with this invite!!! It's the coolest! I have to show Bailey! She loves "Robocks"!!! I love what you did with Joel's shoes! You ROCK girl!
    I love you!!! Can't wait to see what else you've been up to!
